Makara Across Cultures

It first appears in a seal in the Indus Valley-- a fearsome sea creature that overturns ships going on ocean voyages. Every subsequent text, ranging from the Puranas to the Jatakas talk about the gruesome makara that kills voyaging sailors. No wonder early Indians developed a distaste for ocean crossings and forbade [...]

By |2019-09-13T01:24:23+05:30July 15th, 2019|Categories: Motifs, Overview|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Makara Across Cultures

Rooted in Festivals, Myth and Verse

Imagine if you are an ancient jewellery designer.  Like all creative folks, you take inspiration from nature– from things that surround you.  You live close to land and water so you draw from flowers, fruits, trees, birds, animals and sea animals. The question is: which flora or fauna do you pick? For all kinds [...]

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